Faraway Voice - Katie Melua



【爵士女伶】Faraway Voice - Katie Melua

Katie Melua声线揉合了舒缓的爵士、清新的民谣与灵魂丰富的蓝调,常被乐评拿来与诺拉琼丝相提并论。每一曲旖旎缱绻,都让人见识到源自她漂流人生旅程的丰富灵魂。

Katie Melua(凯蒂玛露),生于前苏联的乔治亚共和国,成长于莫斯科、黑海、北爱尔兰及伦敦。2003年发行首支单曲&The Closest Thing To Crazy&广获好评;2004首张专辑一举夺得6周英国金榜后座。她自承在音乐方面受到Queen、Joni Mitchell、Bob Dylan和印度音乐及爱尔兰民谣等多类乐风的影响。

《Faraway Voice》

Ooh, faraway voice,
We can hear you voice,
What's it like to be heard?
But from you not a word,

Are you over those hills?
Do you still hum old melodies?
Do you wish people listened?
Over here with me,

Ooh, faraway voice,
What I would giveTo hear that voice,
What's it like to breathe?
My ears decieve me, voice.

And I will walk with you
On a summers day,
And I will talk to you,
Though you're far away,
And we'll sing through the years.

Are you over those hills?
Do you still hum old melodies?
Do you wish people listened?
Over here with me,
Over here with me
Over here with me

热度 ( 43 )

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